How Long is Short Term Rehab?

Short term rehab

Short term rehab is a bit of a buzzword in today’s new era of hyper-sensitive healthcare. It’s a blessing, and patients are tremendously grateful to benefit from the full scope of available options. When someone has had an illness or other medical issue, often followed by surgery or some other procedure, he may end up…

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Lung Function and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Lung function diseases affect millions of Americans and are a leading cause of death. However, prevention and cure are possible in many cases. Many people with breathing trouble attend pulmonary rehabilitation programs to find a better way. What are lung diseases? There are several lung diseases that affect how a person breathes. The most widespread…

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Occupational Therapy and Stroke

Stroke victims often become impaired to some degree, and occupational therapy is usually required to get the patient back to a healthy mode of living. While each patient has a different story, most stroke victims will need to re-learn some skills for daily living. The occupational therapist is the address. How does occupational therapy help?…

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Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery is indicated when someone has irreversible damage to his knee. In younger people, this generally happens due to a tear in one of the ligaments. In older people, this might happen due to deterioration, fracture or arthritis. How does it work? The knee is made up of three bones as well as…

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