Letter To Families and Friends 11.30.20

November 30th 2020

Dear Family and Friends, I hope this letter finds everyone safe and healthy and enjoying their holiday season! It has been a while since I have last sent an update to everyone, and that is simply because we have not had anything to update! Thanks to the amazing work of our great team, Alameda Center has been successful in keeping this dreaded virus out and away from our facility!

We have been able to set up our building in a way that we can immediately isolate any resident that displays any signs or symptoms, we are fully stocked with over a few weeks supply of PPE, and we have been testing all our residents and staff regularly. With all these interventions and preventions, we have been successful in keeping Alameda COVID free.

Unfortunately, this morning we received the results back for our staff members that were tested and one of the results came back positive. We immediately sent her homeand enacted our full Infection Control and Prevention Protocol including contact tracing. At this time, we will be continuing the current visitation system that we have in place, but I would like to remind everyone that you MUST always follow ALL our guidelines, social distance requirements, and to wear a mask covering your mouth and nose throughout the entire visit! Please, this virus is still very real and very present, and it is the responsibility of every one of us to make sure we are doing our part to keep everyone, especially our elderly and vulnerable population, safe and out of harms way.

We wantyou to know and understand that we are doing everything in our power, both mandated by the local and state Department of Health and measures that go above and beyond of what we are required to do, to keep your loved one safe and out of harms way, please do the same. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at dfischer@alamedacenter.com

Thank you and have a great day,

David Fischer, LNHA


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