Letter To Family and Friends 6.23.21

Update from Alameda Center



To all Residents, Families, and Friends,


I would like to update you on the status of indoor visitation in the facility. Significant changes have been made to our visitation policy and I would like to notify you about those changes. In summary, the changes are, visitation is now available for longer periods, and more often. For your convenience, I have attached a copy of the updated guidelines to this email. Please note that visitation remains by appointment, please call at least 24 hours in advance so that we can work to accommodate your request.


Please contact the Social Services department with any questions relating to visitation or to schedule a visit email us at contactmyloveone@alamedacenter.com or call  732-442-9540 ext.1018 or 7290 .


As always, we are in contact with the local & state Department of Health along with CDC to ensure we are up to date with all latest guidance.



Thank you,


Ari Katz, LNHA



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