Arthritis and Exercise

  According to the Arthritis Foundation, over 50 million Americans struggle with arthritis, a disease that causes joint pain and stiffness. There are many different methods of treating arthritis. While each case is different and requires a personalized treatment plan, for most, exercise is an important component in relieving symptoms.   Why Arthritis and Exercise? It…

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How Comedy Helps Dementia Patients

  What person doesn’t feel good after having a good laugh? According to research and anecdotal evidence, even older adults with mild to moderate dementia feel positive following a humorous experience. Research continues to explore how comedy helps dementia patients.   In fact, one study relates that the effects of humor are similar to the…

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A Person-Centered Dining Experience

The Benefits of a Person-Centered Dining Experience in a Nursing Home The transition from independent living to living in a nursing home can be stressful for the new resident. Communal dining in a person-centered environment can ease that transition. A person-centered dining experience enables the resident to have more personal autonomy at mealtime. It can…

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When Grandma has Dementia

  Grandma has dementia. She is shuffling around the kitchen preparing breakfast. The eggs are on the pan, but you notice the flame is off. Grandma returned thirty-minutes late from her morning walk around the block. She reported that she lost her sense of direction and ended up by the highway. Grandma didn’t call you…

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Speech Therapy’s Role in Inpatient Rehab

Woman's mouth

Many people think of speech therapy as a means to help kids speak sounds that are hard for them to say. While Speech therapists indeed do just that, they also do much more, especially for the senior community. They play an important role in inpatient rehab. Speech problems for the older community Most of the…

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Staying on Top of Medicaid Regulations

Learning about Medicaid regulations

Medicaid regulations change fairly often, and it can be pretty challenging for beneficiaries to keep up with them. While the Medicaid web site has all of the information, it can be difficult to navigate, and the people who the program targets, the lowest incomes people in the US, might have difficulty attaining access or understanding…

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Can a Specialized Shoe Help With Stroke Rehabilitation?

Can a show help for stroke rehabilitation?

Stroke rehabilitation can be a long and arduous process, but every mile brings progress and allows for the patient to get back to a better and stronger life. Advances in the field are occurring at a super-fast pace, and the rehab process is brimming with new ideas, therapies, and products. Some stats about stroke rehabilitation…

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What is the Role of Occupational Therapy in Short Term Rehabilitation?

occupational therapy for facilities

Occupational therapy is an essential element of any short term rehabilitation program. The occupational plays several important roles in the program, helping the patient on the road to recovery. Occupational therapy for ADLs The main purpose of occupational therapy is that it helps the patient with ADLs and IADLs – activities for daily living, and…

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Post Hospital Care at a Facility May be More Effective

Post hospital care in a facility

Patients and family members often prefer a patient to come home after hospitalization rather than spend time in a skilled nursing facility. Medicare will often cover the cost of at-home nursing visits and outpatient therapies, so it often works. This is also cheaper for Medicare, so it seems like a win-win situation for all. However,…

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