April 17th – Letter to Families


Dear Family and Friends,

Good Afternoon. I hope this letter finds everyone safe and healthy. I would like to thank everyone for their continued support as we navigate these stormy seas of this war. I said this yesterday and I will say this every day, our staff members that are here now are the cream of the crop, the bravest, caring, dedicated and selfless human beings on the planet! To put themselves in the front line of the battle like that is truly an act of heroism that needs to be applauded. So please take comfort knowing these are the special people taking care of your loved ones today. Here is an update on the current cases, both confirmed and pending, that we have in the building.

Current positive cases in Alameda: 24
Current positive cases in the hospital: 6
Current pending cases in Alameda: 10
Current pending cases in the hospital: 1
Total COVID-19 positive deaths: 8

Please know that all residents infected or suspected of being infected are safely quarantined from all other residents. Contrary to what some of you might have seen online or in the news, we have provided ALL our staff with ALL the proper protective equipment. Each and every person that enters this building is issued a mask, isolation gown, gloves and a face shield. Everyone will continue to be vigilant with PPE usage and maintain a safe social distance from each other.

Together we WILL protect our residents and staff.
Together we WILL get through this.

Thank you and have a great day.


David Fischer, LNHA
Alameda Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation

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